Cheerful Entrepreneur Team

THE “secret framework”




Life Coaching and Motivation program for ALL


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The acronym CASH369 stands for "Conquering Attitude, for Success and Happiness in 3-6-9 Secret Framework."

CASH369 is beyond a series of programs.

It is a journey of personal enrichment and professional growth evolution designed exclusively for all.

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the motivator & life coach

qash aris

Qash Aris, a dynamic and forward-thinking educator, entrepreneur, and social innovator, embodies a multifaceted profile that reflects a deep commitment to making a meaningful impact. With a Graduate Technologist certification from the Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT) and recognition as a certified HRD Corp Trainer and Professional Trainer for FINAS programs, she has inspired and educated over 1,500 individuals across Malaysia and Asia. Her expertise extends from instructional design and creative multimedia to innovative entrepreneurship and human capital innovation, making her a versatile professional with a wide range of skills and knowledge.

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CASH369 program


This powerful program aims to transform you to become the best version of yourself by focusing on personal enrichment, professional growth evolution, and the cultivation of a winning attitude for your success and happiness.

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The ultimate purpose of CASH369

is to serve as your motivational compass, guiding you with a secret framework of success and happiness in your life endeavours.

‘Having a purpose is the difference between making a living and making a life.’


Acts as a catalyst for you who seek to conquer your attitudes for success and happiness. Through mindset transformation and attitude reformation, it equips you with the tools and mindset needed to become the best version of yourself.

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A structured system designed to help conquer your attitude for success and happiness. It provides a step-by-step process and a set of principles to guide you toward personal enrichment and professional growth evolution.

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💪💪💪 The “Power of Conquering" represents the holistic and transformative power that develops when you focus on mastering and harmonizing the interconnected aspects of your being; mind, body, and soul (MBS). It will help you build a powerful mindset and attitude to achieve the success and happiness you deserve.

‘A determined man, by his very attitude and the tone of his voice, puts a stop to defeat, and begins to conquer.’

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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🧠 🧠 🧠 The “Power of Attitude" represents the key to motivational life. Our beliefs, feelings and actions are the main factors of our attitude. To conquer our attitude is to transform our life patterns, emotions and behaviour to achieve personal enrichment and professional growth evolution.

‘If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.’

~ Maya Angelou

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🌟 🌟 🌟 The “Power of Success" embodies the transformation of your mini-victories. Make it your mission to pursue your lifelong objectives starting today. The CASH369 secret framework will serve as your driving force to attain these achievements, which, over time, will construct the foundation of your ultimate success.

‘Success is not something you pursue. Success is something you attract by the person you become.’

~ Jim Rohn

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😄 😄 😄 The “Power of Happiness" will light up your days with continuous smiles. You will experience it as you embark on the journey to become your finest self, guided by the secret framework. The CASH369 program will unveil its framework, empowering you to reach your ultimate aspirations and embrace the wisdom of being your authentic self!

‘Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.’

~ Marcus Aurelius

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🚀 🚀 🚀 It represents the CASH369 secret framework:

3" - The Power of 3; Mind, Body and Soul.

“6" - The Strategy of 6; Health, Strength, Clarity, Sharpness, Calmness and Peacefulness

“9" - The Focus of 9; Knowledge, Nutrition, Religion Rituals, Skills, Exercise/Practice (Discipline), Experience, Kindness (Optimum), Sharing & Relaxation (Living a Fulfilling Life)

‘Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.’

~ Marcus Aurelius

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the program


The CASH369 program delivers transformative results.

Here are the potential outcomes of the CASH369 program:

🧠 Mindset Transformation

😄 Attitude Mastery

🎯 Goal Achievement

📚 Continuous Learning

🌟 Resilience Building

🚀 Confidence Boost

😁 Optimism and Positivity

💪 Empowerment

🌟 Inspirational Leadership

🌱 Holistic Development

🔄 Transformation

💡 Disruptive Entrepreneurship Skills

🌍 Human Capital Innovation

🤝 Positive Societal Impact

🌟 Success and Happiness

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the program SERIES


These creatively designed programs, inspired by the CASH369 principles, offer a holistic approach to personal enrichment and professional growth evolution, catering to a wide range of your aspirations and needs.

  • "CREATIVA: Unleash Your Inner Genius"
  • "BALANCE369: Harmony in Life"
  • "WISDOMQUEST: Journey to Fulfillment"
  • "INSPIRELEAD: Leadership Redefined"
  • "RESILIENCEFORGE: Building Inner Strength"
  • "LIFELONGEVOLVE: The Art of Continuous Learning"
  • "MINDSET369: Shaping Attitudes for Success"
  • "WELLNESS369: Holistic Well-Being"
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Unleash Your Inner Genius

  • "CREATIVA" signifies the CASH369 program dedicated to fostering creativity, innovation, and inventive thinking.

  • "Unleash Your Inner Genius" conveys the idea that this program empowers you to unlock your full creative potential, allowing you to think outside the box, generate novel ideas, and contribute innovative solutions to challenges.

  • The series includes workshops, courses, brainstorming sessions, and creative exercises to help you tap into your inner genius and apply it to various aspects of your personal and professional lives.
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Harmony in Life

  • "BALANCE369" focused on achieving balance and well-roundedness in various aspects of life.

  • "Harmony in Life" promotes not only balance but also a sense of contentment, fulfillment, and well-being across all life domains.

  • The series offers guidance, strategies, and resources to help you manage your time, energy, and priorities effectively. It includes stress management, work-life-future balance, relationship building, self-care, and personal growth.
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Journey to Fulfillment

  • "WISDOMQUEST" designed to foster your personal growth, wisdom, and a profound sense of fulfillment in you.

  • "Journey to Fulfillment" dedicated to helping you embark on a deliberate and transformative journey towards acquiring wisdom, self-awareness, and meaningful life.

  • The series offers a range of activities, resources, and experiences aimed at nurturing personal development, self-discovery, and the cultivation of wisdom. It includes workshops, seminars, mentoring, and reflective exercises designed to help you explore your values, passions, and life goals while gaining valuable insights that lead to a sense of fulfilment and a more meaningful existence.
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Leadership Redefined

  • "INSPIRELEAD" is a leadership program designed to inspire and transform the way leadership is perceived and practiced.

  • "Leadership Redefined" is an inclusive, innovative, and forward-thinking approach to leadership. It is about your self-leadership and open leadership to guiding, inspiring, and influencing individuals or groups toward achieving common goals or a shared vision.

  • The series includes leadership training, coaching, mentorship, and personal development activities that equip you with the skills and mindset needed to redefine leadership in a way that fosters innovation, collaboration, and positive impact in your organizations and/or communities.
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Building Inner Strength

  • "RESILIENCEFORGE" is dedicated to enhancing your ability to overcome adversity and thrive in the face of challenges.

  • "Building Inner Strength" is about your mental, emotional, and psychological fortitude that enables you to endure difficulties and thrive in adverse circumstances.

  • The series offers a range of tools, strategies, and experiences aimed at helping you build and strengthen your resilience. It includes workshops, training sessions, therapeutic practices, and personal development exercises designed to equip you with the skills and mindset required to bounce back from adversity, manage stress, and thrive in both your personal and professional lives.
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The Art of Continuous Learning

  • "LIFELONGEVOLVE" is designed to promoting and facilitating lifelong learning, personal growth and professional development.

  • "The Art of Continuous Learning" is about instilling in you the mindset and skills required to embrace learning as an art, a way of life, and a path to personal evolution.

  • The series offers a variety of learning opportunities, resources, and experiences to help you embrace and excel in continuous learning. It includes informal learning, skill development, personal development, and self-discovery activities that empower you to evolve and adapt in an ever-changing world, both personally and professionally.
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Shaping Attitudes for Success

  • "MINDSET369" is focused on developing the right mindset and attitude for achieving success and happiness.

  • "Shaping Attitudes for Success" is to equip you with the knowledge, tools, and strategies needed to cultivate various types of mindsets and attitudes that propel you toward success in various aspects of life.

  • The series offers a range of educational content, personal coaching, and practical exercises designed to help you recognize and transform limiting beliefs, develop a growth mindset, enhance resilience, and embrace a positive and success-oriented attitude. It is to prepare you to navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and achieve your goals.
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Holistic Well-Being

  • "WELLNESS369" is designed to nurturing holistic health and well-being in you.

  • "Holistic Well-Being" is about nurturing a state of well-being that encompasses all dimensions of your life, fostering balance and fulfillment.

  • The series offers a wide range of resources, activities, and support aimed at enhancing your physical fitness, mental resilience, emotional intelligence, social connections, and overall quality of life. It includes wellness workshops, fitness classes, mindfulness practices, counselling services, and educational content designed to empower you to lead healthier, more balanced lives.
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Life Coaching & Motivation for ALL


🌟 Inclusivity and 👥 Diverse Groups: It is inclusive and for various groups, including:

    • 🌐 Members of the public
    • 💃 Dynamic women
    • 🚀 Visionary entrepreneurs
    • 🎓 Eager students
    • ❤️ Compassionate NGO advocates
    • 💼 Corporate trailblazers
    • 🏢 Dedicated public or private employees

🛤️ Unique Paths: Within CASH369, there is a tailored and unique path for each individual, regardless of your background or role.

🌠 Empowering Journey: Everyone is invited to join this empowering journey of self-discovery and success, where you can unlock your full potential to become the best version of yourself. Join us on this empowering journey of conquering your attitude for success and happiness.

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